S.A.F.E. Fredonia

Welcome to Fredonia

The mythical country of Fredonia has been hit with a disaster and your team must complete training exercises, simulating what ShelterBox Response Team (SRT) members experience when providing emergency shelter.


Fredonia dates TBD.

The cost to attend S.A.F.E. is $50 plus your plane ticket to and from Austin, Texas (AUS).

Payment may be made via credit/debit card on the registration form below. If paying via mailed check or in-person on the day of the event, simply check ‘Bill Me Later’ on the form.

ShelterBox offers two scholarships to S.A.F.E. Fredonia to cover travel costs. To apply for a scholarship, leave an explanation in the scholarship field of the registration form.

Transport to and from the Austin airport is generously provided by The Rotary Club of Lakeway/Lake Travis. All Ambassadors will sleep in tents in teams of four individuals of mixed genders. The training includes role play as well as moderate physical activity lasting up to 4-hours.

Alumni are always welcome to return as role players.
($50 payment does not apply).


• Sleeping bag and ground mat (Sleeping bags or mats can be provided upon request)

• Flashlight/headlamp

• Small pillow

• Outdoor shoes/boots

• Comfortable outdoor clothes

• Lightweight jacket

• Toiletries & towel

• Water bottle

• Sunscreen

• Pencil & paper


Register for S.A.F.E. Fredonia