ShelterBox Honored at Buckingham Palace

Press release – February 21, 2025

ShelterBox President Kerri Murray and colleagues were honored at Buckingham Palace with King Charles.

London — ShelterBox USA President Kerri Murray charmed King Charles in a reception at Buckingham Palace Thursday that celebrated the anniversaries of four humanitarian
Organizations: ShelterBox, Christian Aid, Islamic Relief, and International Health Partners.

Murray and King Charles enjoyed a light moment when he saw a stainless-steel pot in her hands, a key part of cookware sets ShelterBox delivers to displaced people worldwide. (See attached photo.) Murray says King Charles joked,  “Is that the till?” referring to a receptacle for cash donations.

 “We both laughed, and I shared how important a simple cooking set can be for a displaced family,” said Murray. “To be able to prepare and share a hot meal when you have lost everything helps to restore a sense of routine and normalcy for a family.”

Murray added: “The King remarked at how practical and important the ShelterBox aid package is, which is why his wife is so fond of our work. I responded, ‘We love your wife,’ to which the King replied, ‘And so do I.’”

The King and Queen, as the former Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall, were first introduced to ShelterBox in 2006. Murray says while on an official visit to Pakistan, their Majesties learned about ShelterBox’s work supporting families who had lost their homes in the Kashmiri earthquake. Queen Camilla became a Patron of ShelterBox and still is after a major review of more than 1,000 charities.

“We had the opportunity to chat about the crisis situations and how ShelterBox is providing relief in places like Chad, Somalia, Gaza, and here in the U.S. in Los Angeles,” said

ShelterBox was built 25 years ago from the hard work and passion of a handful of founding volunteers in Cornwall, England. The Rotary Club of Helston-Lizard in Cornwall set up a millennium project with the goal of reaching a few dozen families a year. Since then, ShelterBox has helped nearly three million people worldwide. ShelterBox is rated 100% on Charity Navigator and was twice nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for its work in the world’s worst disaster zones.

Kerri Murray is available for interviews from London or when she returns on Friday.
Media Contact: Paul Vercammen, [email protected] Ph. 323 646 4315