58 Peaks For Charity
Climbing Colorado’s 58 “Fourteeners” is a rite of passage for every aspiring mountaineer. Towering over 14,000 feet, these mountains rank as some of the tallest and most challenging in North America.
Brittney “Bert” Woodrum made it her mission to summit all 58 peaks with the iconic ShelterBox on her back to raise awareness and funding for ShelterBox.
She shares, “It’s funny, but it seems the less I have, the happier I am. When I moved to Myanmar a couple years ago, I was living in a Buddhist nunnery to help start a language school. While there, the nuns taught me a lot about the idea of “impermanence.” With a desire to learn more, I eagerly dove into their way of life, shaving my hair and donating nearly everything I owned. These women became my entire life: they were my students, my friends, my teachers, and my sisters, and I still remember how surreal it all seemed. These women had nothing compared to life I was used to, yet their lives were overflowing with joy and purpose. This was where I learned the true meaning of community, and a little over a year later when I hiked the Appalachian Trail (AT), these lessons seemed to resurface all over again.
I am a big believer in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. On the bottom of the pyramid you have your physical staples, such as food, water and shelter. On the AT, I never worried about finding those foundational necessities, but I did play a significant role in providing those things for myself and others each and every day. Being able to ensure that those around me had what they needed to survive gave me an immense amount of fulfillment; however, it also made me realize how many people don’t have that sense of security.
That’s what really drives me. No one should have to worry about where their shelter will come from, and that’s why I was really struck by ShelterBox’s mission.”

That’s what really drives me. No one should have to worry about where their shelter will come from, and that’s why I was really struck by ShelterBox’s mission.“
About Bert
Brittney “Bert” Woodrum became a ShelterBox Ambassador nearly a year ago when she began her masters in Humanitarian Assistance at the University of Denver.
A Kentucky native, she graduated from the University of KY in 2015 with a focus in Nonprofit Administration and Spanish and, over the past four years, has put her education to good use, working for a variety of NGOs across the globe. In her free time, Bert enjoys studying languages, cycling, and hiking.
As an avid thru-hiker, she has completed the entirety of the Appalachian Trail and Camino de Santiago and hopes that before leaving Colorado, she’ll have the opportunity to explore all that the Rockies have to offer.
Above all else, however, Bert’s ultimate goal is to be of service to the global community and plans to dedicate her life to solving logistical challenges across the field of Humanitarian Assistance.

Summit Schedule
Fri 7/10 Culebra Peak – Marlise Skinner
Sat 7/18 Pikes Peak – Rotary Club of Broadmoor
Sun 7/19 Grays & Mount Torrey – Rotary Club of Summit County
Mon 7/20 Longs Peak – ShelterBox USA Board, Estes Valley Sunrise Rotary
Tues 7/21 Mt Bierstadt Rotary Club of Denver Cherry Creek & Mt. Evans – Rotary Club of Brighton, District #7150 Rotary Club of Utica
Fri 7/24 Quandary Peak – Rotary Club of Summit County
Sat 7/25 Democrat, Cameron, Lincoln – Rotary Club of Breckenridge Mountain, Bross
Sun 7/26 Mt. Sherman – Rotary Club of Glenwood Springs Sunset
Tues 7/28 Mt. of the Holy Cross – Rotary of Glenwood Springs Sunset
Thurs 7/30 Mt. Massive – Bruce & Cindy Heller
Fri 7/31 Mt. Elbert – Rotary of Glenwood Springs Sunset
Sat 8/1 La Plata Peak
Sun 8/2 Huron Peak – Rotary Club of Aurora Fitzsimmons
Mon 8/3 Missouri Mountain – Highlands Ranch Rotary
Wed 8/5 Mt. Belford & Mt. Oxford- Rotary Club of Greeley Red Eye
Thurs 8/6 Mt Harvard
Fri 8/7 Mt. Columbia – Rotary Club of Mead
Sat 8/8 Mt Yale
Sun 8/9 Mt Princeton – Smoky Hill Rotary
Mon 8/10 Mt Antero – Sopris Realty and A Sanctuary Spa (Rotary Club of Glenwood Springs Noon)
Tues 8/11 Tabeguache – Rotary Club of Fort Collins Breakfast (Joe & Annie McCarthy) & Mt Shavano
Sat 8/15 Castle Peak & Conundrum – Rotary Club of Glenwood Springs Noon
Sun 8/16 Pyramid Peak – Rotary Club of Carbondale
Mon 8/17 Maroon- Estes Valley Sunrise Rotary & North Maroon Peak
Wed 8/19 Snowmass Mountain – Rotary Club of Snowmass
Thurs 8/20 Capitol Peak – Rotary of Glenwood Springs Sunset
Mon 8/24 San Luis Peak – Rotary Club of Golden
Tues 8/25 Wetterhorn Peak – Rotary Club of Centennial
Wed 8/26 Uncompahgre Peak- Denton-Lake Cities Rotary Club
Thurs 8/27 Redcloud Peak – Rotary Club of Glenwood Springs Noon & Sunshine Peak – Rotary Club of Glenwood Springs Noon, Carol Fellows
Fri 8/28 Handies Peak – The Woodrums
Mon 8/31 Mt Sneffels – The University Hills Rotary Club
Tues 9/1 Wilson Peak – Katherine Fick
Thurs 9/3 El Diente – Tito’s Vodka & Mt Wilson
Fri 9/4 Mt Eolus & N Eolus – Durango High Noon Rotary
Sat 9/5 Windom & Sunlight Peak – Rotary Club of Steamboat Springs, Pine River Valley Centennial Rotary Club
Fri 9/11 Mt. Lindsey – Rotary Club of Denver Stapleton
Sat 9/12 Blanca Peak – Debbie Dalby & Ellingwood Point
Sun 9/13 Little Bear Peak – Rotary Club of Northglenn-Thorton
Mon 9/14 Humboldt Peak – Rotary Club of Five Points RiNo
Wed 9/16 Crestone Peak – Greeley Rotary Club & Needle – Rotary Club of Boulder Valley
Thurs 9/17 Kit Carson – Loveland Mountain View Rotary & Challenger- Rotary Club of Glenwood Springs Noon
Sat 9/26 Pikes Peak – Rotary Club of Broadmoor
*Rotary Club sponsorships will receive a picture of Bert with your Club banner at the top of your peak. Sponsors are marked in green.
*Supporter sponsorships will receive a picture of Bert with an item or picture of your choosing at the top of your peak.
Support Bert Woodrum and Displaced Families around the world
Speaker Request for Bert Woodrum
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For interviews and public relations please contact:
Sarah Robinson
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Rotary International’s logistical support on ShelterBox deployments is just as critical as the generous financial support we receive from Rotarians and Clubs worldwide.
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