Preparing for Disaster
September is National Preparedness Month in the U.S., a month dedicated to educating and preparing ourselves for when an emergency strikes, whether natural or man-made, in our own community or another. This year, it comes as disasters have ravaged the world throughout 2022.
Disasters can happen anywhere and anytime. That’s why we at ShelterBox USA are constantly preparing for the “worst day ever,” when thousands of people lose their homes in an instant.
We are seeing that right now in our response to the devastating flooding in Pakistan, which has affected more than 30 million people, claimed more than 1,300 lives, and damaged 1 million homes.
We are seeing it in the war in Ukraine as we provide tools and other essential items so families can repair and take shelter in homes shelled by bombings.
And we are seeing it in slow-moving crises like what is happening now in Eastern Africa, as thousands flee their homes in search of food and water.

Image credit: Hussain Ali/Anadolu/Getty Images
Disasters are being fueled and made more severe by climate change. It’s simple and the science is clear: more severe storms and droughts equals more displacement around the world. Today, more than 114 million people are displaced worldwide by disasters and conflicts, and that number continues to grow.
We are always preparing to help those who have had to flee their homes. We pre-position our aid in warehouses around the world, and we are constantly assessing our items and learning from our responses.
You should too. Visit ready.gov for resources on how to build your own disaster plan and kit. Click the button below to learn more about the disasters ShelterBox is responding to right now.
Kerri Murray
President, ShelterBox USA