Remote training: how we’re training teams and communities during coronavirus
Delivering training is crucial for the success of our projects. See how we’ve conducted remote training this year despite the challenges posed by coronavirus.

6 Ways to Give Back this Christmas
2020 has been a year like no other. Here are six ways to make an impact this Christmas on the lives of families affected by disaster.

20 Years of ShelterBox: 4 Volunteer stories that take us back
As we celebrate our 20th birthday this year, we couldn’t forget our volunteers who dedicate their time and effort to help us make sure families receive emergency shelter after disaster.

Logistics at ShelterBox: how do we get aid to the people that need it?
In the era of coronavirus, the challenges of transporting aid around the world are greater than ever. See how we get our aid to disaster-affected communities.

Blog, Book Club
5 Reasons to Sign up to ShelterBox Book Club
As the nights draw in and the world remains changed by coronavirus, there has never been a better time to join an online book club, but why join ours?

Preparing for a busy Hurricane season
The 2020 Atlantic Basin hurricane season is more active than usual, with more powerful named storms than average since the start of the season. Read how we’re preparing.

Why information is vital in the fight against coronavirus in Paraguay
Learn more about the coronavirus situation in Paraguay and how we’re helping families to protect themselves.

Celebrating 20 Years of ShelterBox
Over the last two decades, we’ve grown from the Rotary Club of Helston Lizard in Cornwall to the international humanitarian organization that we are today.Thanks to you, 1.5 million people have...

Coronavirus crisis: Why we need support right now
Coronavirus has changed everything, including the way we work and respond. Our mission remains the same; we exist to provide emergency shelter to communities worldwide who have seen their lives turn...

5 fundraisers that inspired us during coronavirus
Read inspiring stories from people who have been fundraising for us during lockdown.