
2 Million Reasons to Thank You

by Stephanie Christensen May 12, 2021

Thanks to you, 2 million people have received ShelterBox aid. You’ve helped 2 million families recover after disaster or conflict. Families whose lives were destroyed. Families have shelters,...


Mount Nyiragongo: The Aftermath of a Volcanic Eruption

by Stephanie Christensen May 8, 2021

On the evening of May 22, 2021, Mount Nyiragongo volcano suddenly erupted in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Learn more about the deadly impact a volcano can have and how ShelterBox prepares to...


How Innovation Supports Sustainability

by JoAnna Black May 5, 2021

When families receive ShelterBox aid, it is theirs to keep and use however they wish. Over the years, we have seen many examples of innovative ways that families use their aid items, from convenience...


7 simple ways to lead a sustainable life

by Yiota Liopetriti, ShelterBox Digital Marketing Executive May 4, 2021

Small, everyday changes to our daily life can have a positive impact on the fight against climate change. Here are 7 simple ways to be more sustainable.


One Year On: How Coronavirus has affected our work

by Nicky Stephens, ShelterBox Digital Marketing & Innovation Manager April 29, 2021

In the last year, coronavirus has changed the way we work. We knew that we would need to adapt many of our processes to meet the increasing need for shelter. As a result, we’ve changed our aid...


10 things you need to know about the Syrian conflict

by Philly Byrde, ShelterBox Communications & PR Manager March 8, 2021

On 15 March 2011, the Arab Spring reached Syria. Peaceful protests soon escalated into brutal conflict as government and opposition forces clashed. And in the years since, this conflict has shifted...


What we learned after opening ShelterBox Operations Philippines

by Heather Stevens March 1, 2021

In 2017, ShelterBox Operations Philippines (SBOP) was established as a locally registered NGO that is supported by ShelterBox Operations HQ in the UK. SBOP allows us to store aid items in-country so...


4 Reasons why you should take part in Give a Tent for Lent

by Yiota Liopetriti, ShelterBox Digital Marketing Executive February 1, 2021

This Lent, give something up for charity and raise vital funds for disaster-affected families. Take part in Give a Tent for Lent.
destruction in Haiti


Remembering major earthquake responses – Gujarat 2001 and Haiti 2010

by Yiota Liopetriti, ShelterBox Digital Marketing Executive January 14, 2021

January 2001 and 2010 will be remembered for all the wrong reasons. Read about two of our most important earthquake responses and learn more about earthquakes.
Lauren wearing swimming cap on beach


5 reasons why you should take up a challenge for ShelterBox

by Lauren Turner January 4, 2021

New Year, new you! From setting personal goals and helping families affected by disaster, here’s why you should take up a challenge for ShelterBox this year.